How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down: A Complete Guide

TANYA (1).png
Tetiana Zhudyk
Updated on

Teaching a dog to lie down is one of the basic commands your dog should know. It is useful when teaching good manners or to keep them safe in various situations. In addition, the down command is a building block for many other behaviors.

Whether you have a young pup or a mature dog, teaching them to lie down is helpful. Ready to help your dog master the skill? Here’s a guide on how to teach your dog to lie down in a stress-free way.

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Before You Start the Training

As the old saying goes, forewarned means forearmed. If you’re wondering how to teach your dog to lie down effectively, prepare as necessary to ensure the training sessions run smoothly.

You will need:

  1. A good reinforcer. For most dogs, some tasty treats will do. You can buy store-bought dog treats, preferably cut into small pieces.

  2. A marker. Mark the exact moment your dog demonstrates the desired behavior with a specific sound or signal. Many owners choose a clicker as a conditional marker, while others prefer to use marker words like “Yes.” Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which marker works best for your dog, but choose one and use it consistently.

  3. A soft mat to lie on. Some dogs find lying on hard surfaces uncomfortable and resist the command. If you suspect this, try using a soft bath mat or a towel.

  4. A bit of patience. Some dogs master a down in no time, but some struggle to stay on the ground for longer than a few seconds. Never force your dog into the position. Practice regularly in short sessions to obtain the best results.

3 Ways How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down

1. Practice Luring a Down

Start training by luring your dog into the position you want them to maintain. When you lure your dog, you show them where you want them to go or how you want them to move. Remember to gradually fade the lure to teach your dog to react to your verbal cue instead.

how to teach a dog lay down

Here’s how to teach your dog to lie down with a lure:

  1. Ask your dog to sit and bring a treat close to their nose.

  2. Move the treat down between your dog’s front paws. Make sure the dog lowers the head and follows the treat.

  3. Keep moving the treat along the ground to make an “L” shape. Your dog will start following the treat and eventually lie down.

  4. Mark the behavior with a verbal cue or a clicker when your dog lies down.

  5. Reward the behavior with a treat of the same type you used to lure them.

  6. Repeat the process after a few sessions. As a reward, you can give them the 'lure treat' to make them more enthusiastic about it next time.

  7. Lure the dog with an empty hand and then offer a treat.

  8. Add a verbal cue, “Down,” before you use the hand signal. After a while, your dog will respond to the verbal command alone.

how to train dog to lay down

2. Shape a Down

If you have difficulty teaching your dog to lie down using a luring technique, you may try shaping the command. Shaping makes your dog an active participant in training and teaches them to think for themselves. How does it work? Shaping is breaking down a command into gradual steps so you can teach your dog one step at a time.

How to teach your dog to lie down while shaping:

  1. Teach your dog to look at the ground by using a lure.

  2. Teach your dog to bend the elbows to lower them to the ground.

  3. Teach your dog to lie down.

  4. Mark, praise, and reward your dog after they successfully follow each step.

  5. The trick of the technique is to start with an easy command and gradually increase the difficulty of the training. If needed, feel free to break down the process into even more steps. Remember, it’s important to set your dog up to success and avoid frustration from each side.

3. Start Capturing a Down

Capturing stands for marking and rewarding a desired behavior each time you see it. The method is a bit time-consuming, but it’s a great way to cue some natural behaviors, such as lying down.

Let’s explain how to teach your dog to lie down with capturing:

  1. Prepare by putting some treats in your pocket so you’re always ready to reward a down.

  2. When you see your dog lying down, mark the behavior and praise them.

  3. Reward the dog with a treat.

  4. After your dog starts to go into the down position on their own to earn a treat, add a verbal cue right before they want to lie down.

  5. Your dog will start associating your verbal cue with the position so you can give them the command effectively.


Teaching your dog to lie down helps improve their behavior in different contexts and is a necessary step in training other commands. To master the command successfully, prepare beforehand by stocking up on treats and ensuring your dog’s comfort during training. Set your dog up for success by choosing the optimal training technique for their personality.

Written by

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Tetiana Zhudyk

Woofz Content Manager with a deep passion for dogs and a strong affinity for positive reinforcement training methods.

Reviewed by

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Annie-Mae Levy

Experienced dog trainer with Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Behavior. Diplomaed dog nutritionist. CFBA Accredited Canine Behaviorist