How to Teach Your Dog to Roll Over: 9-Step Guide

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Tetiana Zhudyk
Updated on

The roll-over trick is an easy command to teach a dog. Although it seems simple, it’s a great way to work on the human-dog bond, making the regular training process more exciting. After all, it’s cute and fun, so why not try to teach your dog the trick?

This blog post includes a 9-step guide to teaching your dog the roll-over trick. Keep reading to learn more.

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How to Prepare to Teach Your Dog to Roll Over

Though teaching your dog to roll over is possible without any special equipment, you should still prepare for the training process to maximize the results of the sessions.

Here is what you should have:

  • A distraction-free and quiet place where you will conduct training sessions
  • A soft surface to ensure your dog’s comfort while you practice
  • Smelly and tasty treats for rewards.

Teach Your Dog a Roll-Over Trick in 9 Steps

If you’re wondering how to roll a dog over, you’re in the right place. The roll-over trick is relatively easy to teach, but you still need to stick to the training plan and be patient enough to allow your dog plenty of time to grasp the command.

Here are the steps to take to train your dog to roll over:

1.Give your dog the lie-down command and reward them for following it. Pay attention to the side on which they slide their hips. It will give you an idea of what direction the dog will roll over.

to quickly teach a dog to roll over on command

2.Hold the treat close to their nose with your dog in a down position to get them interested. Lure the dog with the treat and bring their nose toward the hip they’re not lying on. Guide them to keep the nose close to the body. This procedure will make the dog roll over the hip.

3.When the dog rolls over, reward them with a treat.

4.Teach the dog to roll over on their side. Hold the treat by the dog’s nose and bring it to the tail. At this point, the dog will slide over. When it happens, offer the dog a treat.

how to train dog to roll over

5.Keep practicing until your dog tips onto one hip, when you bring a treat to their nose and round it toward their hip.

6.Now, practice the movement of the treat over your dog’s back. When you see that your dog’s body gets halfway around the roll, change the movement so that the dog straightens the neck and then proceed with the rolling over.

7.Mark the behavior and give your dog a treat as a reward once they roll over completely.

how to get dog to roll over

8.Fade the lure. Once your dog constantly rolls over when lured by a treat, you can introduce a hand signal for a roll-over. The dog should do it without the treat by following your empty hand. Then, you can reduce the hand signal and transform it into a minimal gesture.

9.Add a verbal cue. You can finish teaching your dog a roll-over trick by introducing a hand signal or adding a verbal command. Add the cue when the dog rolls over to connect the specific behavior with the cue. Later, the dog will start responding only to the cue.

Extra Tips and Tricks

Now that you know how to teach your dog to roll over step by step, let’s discuss some more tips to make the training faster and more comfortable for you and your dog.

Here is more advice to follow:

  • Teach your dog to lie down. Getting your dog to lie down is half of the roll-over trick. Ensure your dog masters the lie-down command before you start training them to roll over.

  • Keep the training fun. Demonstrate your enthusiasm and excitement about learning the new trick. Dogs are good at picking up on your body language and are more willing to learn. In addition, don’t show frustration if the training doesn’t go as planned.

  • Consider your dog’s safety. For slim dogs, rolling over can be uncomfortable since it can hurt their back and hips. Also, avoid training dogs that are too young, old, or unfit. Do this training on a carpet or blanket to make it more comfortable. Avoid doing this training after feeding the dog.

  • Take it slow. Some dogs need more time to understand commands. If that’s the case with your dog, repeat each step more often and keep sessions short. If they fail too much, they may get frustrated, making learning harder. When this happens, it’s best to end the session and play for a bit to prevent them from losing interest in future training.


Teaching your dog to roll over is a fun bonding activity. The trick is easy for most dogs to learn. Start from a down position and gradually lure your dog with a treat until they roll over. Practice in comfortable and distraction-free places. With some persistence, patience, and a positive attitude, you will help your dog learn how to roll over in no time!

Written by

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Tetiana Zhudyk

Woofz Content Manager with a deep passion for dogs and a strong affinity for positive reinforcement training methods.

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Frederica Caneiro

Certified dog trainer, exclusive positive reinforcement methods & tackling aggression problems.