How (and Why) to Teach Your Dog to High-Five

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Tetiana Zhudyk
Updated on

Teaching your dog to high-five is one of the basic tricks most owners want their dog to learn. Although it doesn’t have a practical implication like teaching your dog to lie down or stand on command, a high-five is a trick that brings great joy to those interacting with your dog. It also helps create a better bond between you and your furry companion.

If you’re wondering how to teach your dog to high-five and whether you should invest your effort into it, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn more about mastering a high-five trick with your dog.

Are you looking for fun ways to interact with your doggo? You can go beyond a high-five trick and teach your dog other fun commands to make your interaction more exciting. Check out Woofz to discover other tricks your dog can learn.

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Why Should You Train Your Dog to High-Five?

Above all, teaching your dog to high-five is fun. The trick won’t keep your dog safe in potentially dangerous situations or change your daily routine. However, it does provide a lot of mental stimulation for your dog and will make you both happy.

Let’s review some of the benefits teaching your dog to high-five brings:

  • A high-five can be a foundation for more complicated tricks, such as shaking hands.
  • It’s one of the most popular tricks many people expect a dog to do. Mastering it makes your dog’s interaction with visitors more enjoyable for all parties involved.
  • The trick is a source of fun, admiration, and trust in your dog-owner pair. It helps strengthen your bond and brings a sense of shared achievement.
  • A high-five can help improve your dog’s paw-eye coordination and also assist in desensitizing the dog to vet visits, particularly in cases of joint or bone injuries.

Considering these benefits, we are sure teaching your dog to high-five is worth your time. And we are here to help you make the training process fast, effective, and fun.

How to Teach a Dog to High-Five in 6 Steps

Most dogs grasp the concept of a high-five easily. You’re bound to succeed with your patience and dedication to regular training. Remember to practice consistently and use positive reinforcement to make the trick habitual.

Here's how to teach a dog to high-five in five steps:

  1. Put a high-value treat in your fist and hold it close to the dog’s nose. Allow the dog to smell the treat in your hand. Then, encourage your dog to get the treat while you keep your fist closed.

  2. The dog will try to open your fist with their paw (smaller dogs find it easier to reach and open your hand with two paws). Open your hand, mark the behavior, and treat your dog directly from your palm. Repeat several times.

  3. After a while, the dog will understand that reaching your closed hand with their paw leads to getting the treat. Add the verbal cue "high five" whenever your dog attempts to open your fist and raise your hand.

  4. When the dog places the paw on your hand, mark the behavior and give the dog the treat.

  5. Put the treat in your other hand, hold out your empty hand, and repeat: mark and reward your dog with a treat when they reach for an empty hand.

  6. Keep practicing until your dog starts giving you a high-five without a reward. Once you fade the lure, the high-five trick becomes habitual for your dog.

Pro tip: don’t rush the training process. Give your dog as much time as it needs to master the skill.

More Tips on How to Teach a Dog to High-Five

It’s essential to remember that every dog has a unique personality. You should plan a training process that considers their characteristics. Be mindful of your dog’s concentration level, physical reactions, and body language to ensure efficient training.

Here are some extra tips and tricks that will help you train a dog to high-five effectively:

  • Choose a familiar and distraction-free environment to help your dog focus better.

  • Opt for high-value treats that your dog enjoys. It will help motivate the dog to participate in the training. Make sure to do the training before feeding your dog.

  • Make your dog sit so that it’s easier to lift a paw. This will increase the chances of your dog willingly participating in the activity.

  • If you face difficulties eliminating the lure, distract your dog with pats or cuddles.

  • Repeat the training procedure regularly, but keep the sessions short. Go for two sessions per day, 5 minutes each. This will help keep your dog interested and not lead to overfeeding.

  • If the dog gets frustrated at any point, end the session and repeat the training later. It's best to do it when the dog is neither overexcited nor sleepy.


Though teaching your dog to high-five doesn’t have many practical benefits, it’s a fun bonding activity. The trick is easy for most dogs to master, which helps them learn more complicated tricks and interact with others. Practice a high-five regularly, using a reward to encourage your dog to rest their paw on your hand. Be patient and keep the training sessions short to ensure optimal results.

Written by

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Tetiana Zhudyk

Woofz Content Manager with a deep passion for dogs and a strong affinity for positive reinforcement training methods.

Reviewed by

Frederica Caneiro

Certified dog trainer, exclusive positive reinforcement methods & tackling aggression problems.